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everything is figure-out-able

 August has been a jammed pack month, and we're only half way through! Mike's family came down for their annual visit, but this time was a little more special because we got to celebrate a very special birthday for both his parents with all 13 members of the family in Orlando! 

For about 2 weeks every one was coming at going between our house, the timeshare, and some Disney hotels, but we were lucky to get to spend a lot of time together. Our 1 year old nephew and his parents stayed at our house the whole time as well, so we got some extra snuggles in!

We had a lot of park days and squished a lot in while they were here. We took the first half of the group who arrived to City Walk one of their first nights, and Mike and I ran into the park to bring out some butterbeers. 

We also would pop over after work to meet up for dinner at Disney hotels, but one of the best treats we had of the week was the cookies and cream Halloween beignet! Super tasty and not overly sweet. 

We also finished the night out watching the fireworks from Magic Kingdom at the hotels across the lake.

We did a SeaWorld day with half the fam as well. It's fun now that the kids are at an age where they can do the rides and coasters with Mike.

Mike even got us some special interactions with the dolphins! 

We did one big Disney day with everyone at Epcot.

 It was a hot day with it being August in Florida, but we kept cool with lots of yummy treats.

One of the highlights of this day was going back to the hotel they were staying at in the middle of the day for a break and a swim, and it just down  poured on us while we were in the hot tub.

We went back in the evening for more rides and the fireworks.

The next day the fam did Hollywood Studios, but I was in some callbacks and wasn't able to go. They had a good time showing the two big Star Wars fans around though.

In the middle of the week, we had a little party at our house for the birthday celebrations and to just hang out and take a little park break. We had some delicious food and hung out playing games and swimming. We also celebrated with a traditional Mike ice cream cake!

The other favorite was a visit to Discovery Cove, which is the other park of SeaWorld where it is an all inclusive day trip. 

We did not do the dolphin swim, but we had a great time snorkeling with the stingrays and fish, relaxing on the beach, and eating everything we could see. 

We started the day with our all inclusive breakfast.
Then saw some animals visiting like the sloth, flamingos, owl, otters, and armadillo. 
Let's be real though, Mike's favorite part is the all inclusive snacks and drinks-

But my favorite part of the day was enjoying the lazy river.

Also snorkeling with the fish is so cool.

The aviary was also a big hit for some, but I was too nervous I was gonna get pooped on by a bird.  

Later in the week, we also took the other half to City Walk for their turn at butterbeer, and some cheeky Voodoo donuts. 

It was a great visit, and full of so many activities, we are definitely ready to catch up on some rest now. But! No rest for the wicked. Instead, we headed to Disney Springs to catch up with our friends Sarah and Drew from HK and their new little Navy Bean!! 

We had also visited Disney Springs earlier in the week to see this cinematic masterpiece-
and see another old buddy, Stephanie!!

We also had a catch up with our friends Madi and Alex for Madi's birthday, where apparently the only photo I thought to take was of the food, haha.

And I FINALLY got to facetime Amy who has been living on a cruise ship for half a year now. 

We were both sad to have to miss our friend Vicki's wedding, but a huge congratulations to her and her new hubby!! Wish we could have been there! 

Justin and Holli came for a very brief overnight and got to see our new house where we made some homemade pizzas and went to watch the Disney Springs drone show together. 

On top of all of this, Ailey left for college this week!! I am so used to being the one to say goodbye, it was weird to have it be the other way around. I am so proud of this girl and know she is going to do great things though. UF is lucky to have you Ailey! 

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