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don't be afraid to start over, this time you're not starting from scratch, you're starting from experience

 After 3 years, we are finally actually heading back home to America for good. It is a lot of emotions and feelings, and incredibly bittersweet. I am so glad we are leaving Hong Kong with everything being more normal, versus when we arrived in the peak of Covid in 2020. These last 3 years were a WILD rollercoaster, but I am so grateful for every new memory, new character, new friend, and feel like I am leaving no stones unturned. 

I was very glad to have finished my character cross stitch before heading home-

Our Hong Kong to do list was very tiny after living there so long, but we had some final meals we wanted to have again before going.

Last CoCo Ichibanya-

Last Ichiran Ramen-
Last brunch in Central at The Diner-
and of course we had to get one last pedicure at Nail 88-

Mike also did one last hike to the famous Suicide Cliff-

Of course there is the harder "lasts" like saying goodbye to all of my characters. I was so incredibly happy to make so many 'friends' during this time, especially with Princess Aurora and Rapunzel who I always wanted to hang out with. It was a tearful week as one by one I had a last day with each of them. Belle and Ariel were especially emotional days, but my final day was with Cinderella. It was a magical day walking around the castle, and Cinderella even got to ride Cinderella's Carousel!
I can assure you Cinderella felt super, super loved the whole day, even up until her final curtsey at midnight. It was a great day.
Mike came and spent the day at the park, and after hanging out with Cinderella, we got to have one last park day saying goodbye to our favorites-
Saying bye to Albert the little mischievous monkey from Mystic Manor, the best ride at HKDL.
Bye Bye Small World with your cute hidden characters and adorable HK cityscape.
and goodbye to Ant Man-
and Grizzly Gulch-
and Toy Story Land-
and just the rest of the park-
It was emotional saying goodbye to MWB, especially since I didn't really have a last show. I was very ok not having a last show and knowing my last show was in July with Amy made it worth it.
We also stayed late that night to watch the fireworks for the last time and cry it all out.
It was an emotional day but in the best way. We said our farewells to all the special HKDL people and places, and headed home to pack all the rest of our stuff.
Our flight home was early the next morning, so we gathered all our stuff to give away to other cast members (including my bean bag chair, cries). 
Before we knew it, the place was cleared out and we were all packed up.
Our lovely friends who had become our family sent us off to the airport early in the morning. 
We got to the airport and had time to chill at our credit card lounge, which was lucky since our first flight was delayed.
We were flying from Hong Kong to Tokyo to Boston to Rochester. Everything else went pretty smoothly.
We were even upgraded a little for more leg room on our last flight, which was nice.
After about 25 hours of flying we were finnnnnnally home. 
Mike's parents picked us up at the airport!
We are not super sure what is next for us but we have some time to figure it out. Right now we are home in upstate New York at Mike's parents house with all our stuff til the end of May, where we head to the UK for about a month. For now I will be eating American food and sitting in my hammock in the backyard.

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1 comment

Sharon Smith-mrs9toe on IG said...

You are my forever favorite! I will be following your next adventures and I pray the biggest blessings on the next path for you and Mike!

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