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a (literal) New York (hot) Minute

 So we had been in Orlando for about a week when I had to fly up to NYC for like 12 hours for an audition. Let me just start with absolutely nothing came of the audition, so I am not even going to tell you what it was for or anything because it literally does not even matter. 

So after checking in and getting to my airport lounge, my flight ended up being delayed about an hour and a half. 
The plane ride was very bumpy once we did go airborne, however, upon landing in LGA, I found out my friend Kristina who is an alternate in Six on Broadway was going on for the role of Aragon, in about 2 hours. I hurried off the plane and into the city on the subway (which was so weird to be on again) to grab some food at Just Salad, before running to the Lena Horne Theatre.
I could not believe I made it on time, and was so hyped to see the show.
The show was incredible, and Kristina absolutely smashed it. It was so fun getting to see her do her thing and I am so glad I was able to get there on time.
After the show, I took a little stroll through Times Square all lit up at night before heading to my amazing friend Jana's to stay the night. 
There really is nothing like Times Square in the evening all lit up and sparkly. 
The next morning Jana and I got up and took a stroll through Central Park to Effy's for breakfast. 
For some reason the heat followed me to NYC because these two days I was here, it was about 96 degrees, and cooler in Orlando. Because of this, we didn't want to walk around and do too much outside, so after our audition, we went and got pedicures. 
I also made a pit stop at some of my other fav NYC spots, Paper Source and you cannot come to this city without having Magnolia Bakery Banana Pudding.
The other stop I was excited to make it to was to the new Harry Potter shop. It was like a really big store you'd find in Universal Studios, but I enjoyed getting to see all the different themed areas. They even had butterbeer and treats. 
This was about all I had time for on this super quick trip, but for all my favorite NYC and Brooklyn tips and hot spots, check HERE.

While I was on my whirlwind trip, my brother in law and his wife were in the hospital for the birth of our newest nephew! Please meet sweet baby Milo, who were are so excited to snuggle sometime here soon. 

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