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whatever floats your gravy boat

It has been about 6 months since we left Hong Kong, and I really thought life would have taken off a little faster for us, but things have been moving. Mike got a promotion at SeaWorld, and is now an assistant supervisor for the Education Department. I wrapped up Halloween with SeaWorld, and thought I would be hanging out with some elves, but instead, I have trapped myself in a cubicle and am doing some part time scheduling in the office to cover some income. We are grateful to be working in the same place together, especially while we are still living with my sister, and dealing with only having one car. We are in the (very long) process of house hunting, and am very thankful to Bethany and Logan for putting us up in the meantime. Hopefully some more exciting news will eventually follow, but for now, we are getting through the holiday and season of transition. In the meantime, we use our company benefits to hang out with the nieces and family, and get to go to SeaWorld for all the fun holiday cheer. 

Etta and I spent the day together going to do all the Inside Look tours, where we pet a penguin and a dolphin, and got to visit the beluga whales.  
We have also been back to see all the Christmas stuff a few times, and of course, eat all the Christmas foods. 

Seeing all the shows...
Meeting the Christmas elves!
Mike and I also went to Universal Studios to check out all the holiday fun. 
We started our day off by rope dropping and running to meet the Grinch. We were probably about the 40th day guests to enter the park and within the first 7 day guest groups to meet the Grinch. There was early park entry for the hotel guests, but total there was only maybe 45 families in front of us. Somehow, the line took us from 9:01am til 1:40pm....4 hours and 40 minutes to get through!! It was estimated 180 min wait time by the time we got in the line, and in the end, we waited over 280 minutes. I hear you, "why didn't you get out of line?!". Well by the time we realized how slowly it was going, we had already missed the morning hours of no wait times and I really wanted to see him, but wasn't really feeling like doing anything else, so, we waited.
Was it a great interaction? Absolutely. Would I wait that long again for it? Absolutely not,
Side bar, the wait isn't as bad if you get the pizza totchos from the stall nearby. 
We got lucky and got to meet the Grinch later that day after his Grinchmas show! I also loved seeing Betty Lou Who and Holly Who, who are some good friends of mine!
The Who's are roaming all around Seuss Land and if you're lucky you can catch them!
Another fav of the day was catching my good friend Lindsey sing with the frog choir in Harry Potter World! I had never seen the Christmas version of the show, and it's super cute!
We had a great time riding Spider-Man, but I also loved meeting Dr. Doom and the incredibly terrifying Green Goblin. This was a 10/10 interaction.
Our last event of the evening was watching the Christmas Parade in the evening. It's crazy to think in 2013 little baby Cassidy worked her first theme park job ever as a high kick in the Macy's Parade at Universal and look where we are now, crazy.
In Mike and I's world right now, we have officially begun the house hunting!! Super exciting and additionally very overwhelming. I am still freelancing with productions, which I love. In working on productions, you make connections, and one of these connections brought me in to try Locations for the first time on a Spectrum commercial filming in St. Pete. It was a fun but exhausting week, living in a hotel, working 15 hour days, but filming is something so rewarding for me. I really love it...especially when we have ice cream sandwiches on set every day. 
Another production crew I found myself on was for the IAPPA drone show crew. We spent hours loading and unloading drones and batteries, but watching the show was a one of a kind experience. 
And we broke 2 Guinness World Records, one for "the largest aerial image of a flag formed by drones" and one for "the largest aerial logo formed by drones" using 1600 drones. 

Mike and I finally found some time to go see The Marvels, and something about Marvel films really know how to just strike me right to the core. I am so enthralled by the story, the creativity, the action, the way it's filmed, they just blow me away. The Marvels was a great film, and I really loved the comedic elements that came from Ms. Marvel and her family. The story was compelling and the characters stayed true to who they were, but came together when it was needed. Great film!
Another super fun update was getting to do an airport pick up for our best friends who just left their HK contract, the Trislers! We are so happy to have them back in our world for a bit, but it's crazy how it feels like we just saw them.

I was very happy to get to celebrate my first American Thanksgiving in over 3 years back with my whole family. Mike sadly had a work thing and could not be there this time. 
The rest of us all met up in Cincinnati, and rented out an Air bnb for the week. We had the best time hanging out, playing games, eating, and just celebrating being together. Mike dropped Bethany, Logan, and I off at the airport, and I introduced them to our special airport lounge privileges. 
Before we could all check in to the air bnb, we all checked in on my grandma, and had some delicious Skyline Chili!
Our airbnb was very spacious, and Ailey, Etta, and I sharing the bunk bed room made some memories for LIFE, especially with the mysterious smells and sounds in the night, haha.
The first evening, we celebrated Hilary's birthday with an incredible turkey burger dinner, cooked by yours truly and some very yummy cheesecake. 

Thursday was THANKSGIVING! I got up early with the other turkeys in the house and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!
I loved having extra hands in the house to cook Thanksgiving dinner, and NOT in a toaster oven, yay!
Lots of games were played and antics were had.
We had some family outings, like the day we went to Findlay Market, and walked around downtown Cincinnati. 
Another day we went to the Krohn Conservatory, which I did not expect to be so WARM inside!
The beautiful train displays and nature inside were super stunning though.
It was so nice getting to hang out with these wonderful people again, and it's always hard saying see you later. I am so happy we were able to do this, but I am even happier it won't be several years before we can do it again.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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