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every adventure requires a first step

 I have been super lucky to have had a filming gig of some kind almost every week lately, but one of my favorites was with my love! We both got to be talent in front of the camera and visit the coveted Victoria and Alberts at the Grand Floridian. Although we didn't get to actually eat anything, we had fun after going park resort hopping.

We rode the monorail to Contemporary Resort and took a little boat ride 

then Polynesian Resort, where we had some delicious Captain Cook nachos and a dole whip.
Thanks to FrontRunner, I have been seeing a lot of the Disney parks lately.
The best was getting to do the new Splash Mountain Tiana's Bayou overlay-

Not to mention the actual Disney day Mike and I had to use up some comp tickets. We started the day at Animal Kingdom, where we got lucky with some cloud coverage. 
We had a great safari where we saw most of the animals out eating their breakfast.
After they had their breakfast, we had our own breakfast treat from Eight Spoons Cafe of a really delicious Pulled Pork-stuffed Jelly Doughnut with Slaw!
We continued our day with some attractions, including Everest and Dinosaur. 
We also saw an animal surgery taking place on a goat horn at Rafiki's Planet Watch, which was super cool.
Our day continued onward at my favorite park, Hollywood Studios. 
One of the highlights for both of us was watching the Indiana Jones Stunt Show, which I haven't seen in forever, but didn't realize there was so much connection to film making in it.
My other favorite thing to do at Hollywood Studios is watch Beauty and the Beast. I was cooking outside, so we opted for some shade and a seat, and danced along with the cutlery. 
We also had more treats, because, obviously, but the best bite of the day surprised us by being this pizza cookie from PizzeRizzo. It was a Sugar Cookie topped with Strawberry Jam, White Chocolate, and Sprinkles, so simple, but so delicious. 
We also had a classic Ronto Wrap, which are usually pretty good, but can be a little hit or miss. 
We tried the lemon blueberry lunch box tart in Toy Story area, which I have been wanting to try for a while, but we were disappointed. It tasted like a dry sugar cookie with not enough lemon.
We had also met a few characters throughout the day, and I gotta give Moana a shout out for giving one of the best interactions! 
The new house has been coming together, and we are really getting to know our new neighborhood area. We checked out Bahama Bucks, who were responsible for the literal best snowcone ever, and half off on Tuesdays!
You also might have seen on my Instagram a little doggo recently. We have not gotten a pup of our own yet, but we have been dog sitting for some friends of ours and Lily is the cuddliest dog in the whole world and we love having her around.
We are getting the house together just in time for a few visitors this summer. My mom will be here, then my Australian friend Emily from Hong Kong will be staying with us, before Mike's family comes. It's a busy summer, but we are glad to have some fun people around!

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